Judy Sale

If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.
— Marilyn Monroe

It is indeed an honour to be selected as the 16th professional artist of Aire Valley Arts. I was born and brought up in the USA and obtained my BA in art there. Since then I have lived, worked and exhibited as a professional artist in 8 different countries and travelled to many more. Now I plan to make Yorkshire my permanent home. 

Over the years, my artwork has evolved and developed unpredictably, always following my travels to different cultures, influences and ideas. I like to work in collage due to a love of found objects which I often incorporate in new contexts on canvas or paper. Traditionally, I liked to work in a large format but now that I am older and unable to manage such large canvases, I often work much smaller – although sometimes I will put several canvases together to form one large finished piece. Acrylic is my favourite medium now but I used to love working in the more difficult oils of old. I am a lover of colour and somehow the colours just look clearer and more vibrant in oil. But the practical use of water based, quick drying acrylics has won me over now as the quality of acrylics have greatly improved.

My artwork is usually described as abstract along with being powerful and positive but quirky, and always bold and vibrant in colour. Colour is everything to me and guides my hand as I work. I have no idea what a finished work will look like as it just evolves in the process…. like life!

I feel fortunate to have my work in several private as well as public collections across the world, including the Landmark plc Collection permanently exhibited at the Royal Mint in London. (See my website for more info)

Website judysaleartist.co.uk
Not Just Hockney Website notjusthockney.info/sale-judy
Instagram @judysale12
Facebook @judysale12


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Helen Shearwood